Well, let me tell you. Today has been tough. Hence why I am writing,I feel I need to remind myself why I am doing what I am doing... NOT EATING!
No doubt, my food envy has probably been exacerbated by the fact that most of the day I have been dong a meal plan in my head for weekend away with family and friends. I am sure that thinking of food and dissecting my mental cook book is doing little help my cause.
What going on in my body you ask?
- My arms don't feel like they can keep up with my body.
- My head feels cloudy.
- My ears feel very sensitive to noise.
- I am getting light headed.
- I feel a pressure in my head behind my eyes.
- Metallic taste in my mouth
Incidentally my stomach hasn't been feeling "hungry", but my brain does. So that leaves me with the all important question; is it detox, withdrawal, lack of will power or legitimate reaction to drastic reduction in calories or the last 48 hours? Hmmm, such a mystery. Is anyone's guess.
As a bit of an update to my progress, prior to a meeting today, I caved again. But lordy did I try;
- Early Morning: Ionix Supreme
- Breakfast: Cleanse for Life
- Snack: 2 x IsaSnack
- Lunch: Cleanse for Life
- Snack: 1/2 bar & 1/2 avocado
- Now: Cleanse for Life
Largely, I am still happy with my commitment so far. I have reached out to the on-line Isagenix group to see what they have to say about their tips for coping on cleanse days. It will be interesting to see their feedback.
My gut (the empty one in my stomach that is haha!) tells me that it will get easier with time. I presume, rightly or wrongly that the fact that I have not had 5 full shake days before I started cleansing, maybe my body is thinking this is all too much of a shock. Or, I think it is just habit. My brain at the moment, isn't in the habit of not eating. Maybe after a couple of tries my brain will register better what it is like to not eat.
GOAL: Get through the day without eating and have a delicious shake tomorrow morning!