For me it it is hard to believe that it has been over 60 days since I decided to take the plunge to do Isagenix.
In that time I must admit that I have gone through a whole range of emotions from;
"Yep this is working" to
"These people are crazy I just want to eat like a normal person" to
"Crap, I've got no time for breakfast - oh, I will just grab a bar! I love Isagenix." to
"Oh no, I am one of those shake people" to
"I'd really like to get more people onto this, it works well"
Clearly you get the idea, lots of emotions. I am not really a "go with the grain" type of person. Skinny jeans and I took ages to become friends. I don't think I am ever going to be down with the hipster glasses and I don't go to festivals. And there is no denying that there is a culture of hipness that comes with Isagenix. My brain naturally wants to object. But nevertheless I have been relatively committed to using Isagenix in my daily life and low and behold the other day I was standing in the kitchen at work when someone said to me "have you lost weight?".
That got me thinking. It has been some time since I really tracked how I was going, I see myself in the mirror but I am not sure that is really the same thing. So I decided to take some happy snaps and let the images decide... this is what I found...
And there it is, there is no denying that there is a difference there. What is pretty awesome though is that although I should be, unfortunately I have not been really doing much physical exercise and I've been travelling a lot which means I am not 100% committed to Isagenix, but still the difference is there.
At the time I signed up, it was promoted to me that I would "feel like a could has been lifted", unfortunately that's not really happened but I think that has more to do with just having too much on. In relation to the fog, I wouldn't say I am feeling better or worse than I was before but I do feel more confident as a result of the weight loss... and I feel like I have a healthy option in times where convenience would normally get the best of me.
So now that I have tried and tested and seen some results I feel like I am ready to promote people coming along on this journey too. I've re named my blog to "Go Left", because sometimes when things don't go right, it's time to go left. My blog is going to shift a little and become more about life. Different tips and tricks that can help with life, profiles on people, reviews of books, sharing knowledge, reviewing cook books and documentaries, providing ideas for things to do with children, ways to show your partner that you love them, things to do to help a friend in need... a modern day Martha Stewart.
Watch this space.... exciting times ahead!